Know before you grow:


It is very important that you up-pot your plant to a larger container as soon as possible when it arrives. Your plant's new container should have a couple of drainage holes, and should be at least a couple gallons larger than the nursery pot. Check out our up-potting video for detailed instructions on how to ensure a happy healthy new home for your plant.


While most loquat trees require a pollinator, our loquats are self-fertile. That being said, all fruit trees will produce a richer harvest when accompanied by a friend who bloomes at the same time.

Let the sun shine


Loquat trees need a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight per day for good growth and fruit production. In general, the more sunlight your loquat tree receives, the better its growth and fruit production will be.


Loquat trees are generally quite heat-tolerant and can withstand high temperatures without overheating. In fact, they thrive in warm climates and are often grown in subtropical regions. In temperatures above 90°, make sure it gets enough water.

Get this girl a drink!


Loquat trees should be watered deeply twice a week. Water until the soil is saturated and water comes out of the drainage holes. Let the container dry until the soil is dry to the touch 1-2 inches down. A plant that has wilted can be receiving either too much or too little water.


Your plant should have come with both a compressed potting soil, and a soluable fast-acting plant food. Fertilize your plant every 4-6 weeks to encourage new growth by mixing ½ tablespoon of fertilizer with ½ gallon of water, and again at the end of spring.

Measure twice, cut once

Let the light in

The main purpose of pruning a loquat is to ensure there is enough light getting to the leaves and fruit. It's important not to over-prune your loquat tree, as this can lead to a reduction in fruit production and an increase in pest and disease problems. Aim to remove no more than 20-25% of the tree's canopy each year, and avoid cutting into the trunk or main branches.


The best time to prune your loquat is late winter or early spring. If you find your tree appears to be setting a lot of fruit, this is a good time to prune off some of the excess to ensure you have larger, healthy fruits instead of a bunch of tiny ones.

Chill Out

Overwintering (down to 32°F)

So long as your winter temperatures stay above freezing, your loquat tree will be happy to remain outdoors during winter.

Overwintering (below 32°F)

Below freezing temperatures, your plant should be protected from the cold. Bring your loquat tree indoors, and if possible, keep it in someplace cool, but still with light. An unheated garage would be great, or your livingroom near a window if you must.

Yummy Stuff

Ripening and Harvest

Loquats typically ripen in late winter or early spring, depending on the climate and growing conditions. Loquats can ripen both on and off the tree, but they are best left on the tree until fully ripe.

Pests and Disease

Your fruit isn't just delicious for you, lots of other critters would be happy to get their hands on your hard work. Pests and diseases vary greatly depending on region, so we suggest you take advantage of your local resources. If you can't determine what is ailing your plant by googling the symptoms, give a call to your local county agricultural extension office.