Know before you grow:


It is very important that you up-pot your plant to a larger container as soon as possible when it arrives. Your plant's new container should have a couple of drainage holes, and should be at least a couple gallons larger than the nursery pot. Check out our up-potting video for detailed instructions on how to ensure a happy healthy new home for your plant.


Figs are self-fertile, meaning that they don't need a partner plant to produce fruit. That being said, all fruit-bearing plants have more abundant harvests when they have a friend blooming at the same time.

Let the sun shine


Figs need a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight per day for good growth and fruit production. If possible, figs will also be happy to receive more sun, but be sure that they are not getting scorched during very hot temps.


Fig trees are generally quite heat-tolerant and can withstand high temperatures without overheating. In fact, they thrive in warm climates and are often grown in subtropical regions. In temperatures above 100°, make sure it gets enough water.

Get this girl a drink!


Figs should be watered deeply once to twice a week. Water until the soil is saturated and water comes out of the drainage holes. Let the container dry until the soil is dry to the touch 1 inch down. Make sure that during particularly hot temperatures, your fig is getting sufficient water.


Figs are light feeders, and they do not require a lot of fertilizer. Over-fertilizing can cause the tree to produce excessive vegetative growth at the expense of fruit production. During the growing season, fertilize about once a month, and during the winter season, do not fertilize at all.